crosscompiling for openwrt with golang




amd64 (also known as x86-64)
A mature implementation.

386 (x86 or x86-32)
Comparable to the amd64 port.

arm (ARM)
Supports Linux, FreeBSD, NetBSD, OpenBSD and Darwin binaries. Less widely used than the other ports.

arm64 (AArch64)
Supports Linux and Darwin binaries. New in 1.5 and not as well exercised as other ports.

ppc64, ppc64le (64-bit PowerPC big- and little-endian)
Supports Linux binaries. New in 1.5 and not as well exercised as other ports.

mips, mipsle (32-bit MIPS big- and little-endian)
Supports Linux binaries. New in 1.8 and not as well exercised as other ports.

mips64, mips64le (64-bit MIPS big- and little-endian)
Supports Linux binaries. New in 1.6 and not as well exercised as other ports.

s390x (IBM System z)
Supports Linux binaries. New in 1.7 and not as well exercised as other ports.

wasm (WebAssembly)
Targets the WebAssembly platform. New in 1.11 and not as well exercised as other ports.


GOOS=linux GOARCH=mips go build -ldflags="-s -w" test.go


在mips架构下,如OpenWRT系统,文件执行时出现"Illegal instruction"错误,注意加上GOMIPS=softfloat变量

GOOS=linux GOARCH=mips GOMIPS=softfloat go build -ldflags="-s -w" test.go
